(click on ride name below to zoom into blog story)
Davis Double-(untimed)-201 miles, 7,400' climbing, 17.6 mph-4:40-6:41 Was coming off a racing season and hammered the first 120 miles, then fell apart. Everything hurting when I dragged myself in. RAAM rider Ish saw me at the end and cheerfully asked how I liked doing a double, I blurted out "I'll never do one again."
Davis Double-(untimed)-201 miles, 7,400' climbing, 17.9 mph (19.9 last 66 miles)-_________ Good steady pace with Jack, felt great for the whole ride, then suddenly fell apart for the last 20 miles, and had to lay out--couldn't eat, for a long time after. Having trouble completing easiest NorCal double so....I promptly signed up for the hardest double.
Terrible Two-82nd of 227 riders, 208 miles, 16,480' climbing, 14.8 mph, 5:30-8:43. Special bonus edition added 10 miles to usual course. Weather mild-first three of four steep climbs no problem. Felt great but waiting to collapse like at Davis at mile 180, here I was leading a paceline. Finished with Jack. Great surprise--beautiful newly designed ORANGE jersey at the end.
Mt. Tam Double-36th of 211 riders, 199 miles, 14,500' climbing, 15.7 mph 5:00-6:48. A little disorganized but I discovered the course I love with two significant climbs and mostly roller after roller. Also discovered that oh crap--that isn't the ocean below us coming off Mt. Tam, but dense fog. But it gets warmers as the day goes on and we circle back inland and I'm flying. FIRST TRIPLE CROWN EARNED!
Knoxville Double-(untimed), 198 miles, 12,000' climbing, _______, 5:35-8:03. Came in not feeling the best (stomach problems & recently bit by a dog) which would he the usual for this ride but nice course and good support. Idea was for the doubles riders from the Diablo Cyclists to stay together, by the middle of the ride we were all over the place. With early sunset and laid back riding as untimed would finish in the dark.
Solvang Double-(untimed), 200 miles, ________ climbing, 17.6 during the daylight, 5:40-7:20. Rain, 5 flats for our group, mundane course, and experiencing first hand the Planet Ultra non support--only redeeming thing about this ride was riding with CA. Mike & Don (on his fixed gear.) But happy as 3 months ago in intensive care and didn't think I'd be doing any spring rides.
Mike, Don and I getting soaked, I mean having fun on the Solvang Double (Victor Cooper photo)
Devil Mountain Double-79th of 146 riders who finished, 206 miles, 18,600' climbing, ________, 5:00-10:24. Early season and most climbing of any double but another ride where I felt great for 120 miles, hammered up to lunch, enjoying life, and then muscles quickly fell apart. Last 80 miles were torture--dragged myself in with Don.
Even more fun struggling, I mean zooming up Mt. Hamilton on the Devil Mountain Double (Tandem hearts photo)
Central Coast Double-DNF-161 miles of 210. Muscles don't seize up but I bonk/ heat exhaustion. After last year when doubles where getting easier and easier this has been a kick in the ____________.
Davis Double-(untimed)-204 miles, 8,000' climbing. 17.7 mph, 5:31-7:02. Fun ride with Doug, Mike and Don (on fixed) keeping together for much of the day. Course rerouted to Cobb Mountain so climbing has significantly increased. Odometer bugs out at end of ride, later I'm told kept it a steady 20 mph while pulling paceline at the end. 2ND TRIPLE CROWN EARNED!
Terrible Two-102 of 283 starters, 200 miles, 16,500' climbing, _______, 5:30-9:18. Another torturous ride, with riders dropping like flies--only 64% finished by 11:00 cutoff. At mile 110, on big climb of the day, the thermometer touched 100. Nice that after Grizzly Mark and I would beat each other up on other Doubles, we helped each other finish.
Mt. Tam Double-35th of 233 starters, 200 miles, 15,000' climbing, 15.4 mph, 5:00-7:15. Don and I made a pack to stick together, which is hard on a timed double, but stick together we did. We may have lost time at rest stops (waiting for the person taking the longest) but we more than made up for this when we two manned, especially the last 25 miles where we just kept on gaining and passing riders.
Don leading the charge as we haul in riders in front of us.
KNOXVILLE DOUBLE-(untimed), 201 miles, 11,900' climbing, 15.4 mph, 5:35-8:35. Crashed into car on downhill week before so thigh heavily bandaged on backup bike. Man, was I shitting on the downhills. Started with Don, Jack and Steve, eventually Don stayed back with me as we finished in the dark, my 6th Double completed of the year, Don's 10th!
Davis 300 km Brevet-(untimed) 190 miles, 8,589' climbing, 18.6 when we hammer to first control (first third of ride), 16.8 average for whole ride when we make it a social ride. 7:00-some time after sunset when Mike had to put on the goofy brevet sash (but he did see the bi-curious action before sunset.) . Out and back from Davis to Cobb Mountain (Lower Lake)--the GOOD section of the Davis Double, with Don and Mike as they qualify ready for Breast-Paris-Breast (sic.) Better support than a Planet Ultra Ride.
Davis Double-(untimed) 200 miles, @ 10,000' climbing, w/ Ca Mike and Doug. 17.3 mph, 5:30-7:23. Funny how things change--we were about to mirror the great Davis 300 km brevet course when a forest fire had the organizers scramble to reroute the course--and we did an out and back of the 2nd half--the worst part--of the Davis Double. This time climbing Cobb Mountain from "the other side." 142 minutes of rest stops along the way.
Eastern Sierra Double-75th of 245 riders, 196 miles, 10,000' climbing, 17.3 mph, 5:00-6:29. With Don and Ca. Mike. Two incredible firsts. (1) On a timed double usually hard to keep anyone together--at mile 90 Don, Ca. Mike, Rusty, Uncle Steve and I are riding together with Jack just up the road. I should have realized how great that moment was--we'd never get close to that again. (2) First time in Bishop area, where we're at 4,000'+ but it seems like we are at sea level as surrounded by 10,000' snow capped peaks--incredibly unique area. 
Day before Eastern Sierra vets CA Mike, Uncles Steve, Don (Jack not being helpful) give me an idea where the ride comes back from -- maybe Jack is being helpful with everyone pointing in a different direction.
Mt. Tam Double-23rd of 247 starters, 200 miles, 14,500' climbing. 5:00-6:42. I was sky high for this one, the course featuring roller after roller, and as no teammates had to pull out every trick in the book. Great ride-great finish though I finished 3 hours behind some guy named Steve Cozza. later I learn he is a pro slumming. 3rd TRIPLE CROWN earned (earlier brevet didn't count towards it.)
Somehow always have real fun on the Mt. Tam Double course.
Knoxville Double-(untimed), 200 miles, 12,600' climbing. 200 miles, 12,600' climbing. 16 mph, 5:30-8:21. w/ Don. What is a Knoxville Double if I don't go into it hurt--this time I badly twisted my ankle on a hilly time trial the week before. This meant struggling up the gentle (but long) Knoxville Road climb. Things got better when I got po'd in the afternoon and started hammering so Don wouldn't have to wait for me anymore.
Davis Double-untimed-ON A FIXED GEAR in 106 Degrees-200 miles, 8,000 climbing. 5:02-10:00, 15.6 mph average. A special Davis Double, Donna trying her first double, Dave trying his first double on the anti fixed gear (a recumbent), Don continuing the Diablo Cyclist tradition of riding doubles on fixed gears, and I'm insane enough to join him. Oh year. Hottest Davis Double on record--with 106 degree afternoon temperatures. Donna had left real early, we caught her near Middletown where we stayed in the quick market for 40 minutes to cool off. Then we parted company as the fixed gears went on the "old climb" to avoid Cobb Mountain. Only time finished this ride after sundown, not due as much to travel speed as all the time seeking refuge in the shade.
Eastern Sierra Double-91st of 223 riders, 195 miles, 10,200' elevation, 5:00-6:58, 16.0 mph average. Lets see, bad cold for two weeks prior and just got on antibiotics a few days before. Will I (a) be smart and take it easy or (b) be stupid and hammer away until I'm sleeping in the back of pickup trucks and the middle of the desert. Well, I did finish--barely.
You too can have fun on Doubles!!! Even if the music blasting from the radio is kinda shitty, I'm in no condition to change the radio dial. I don't know who took the photo, just if I was lucid I could have gotten one with snow capped mountains in the background.
Mt. Tam Double-28 or 29th of 199 riders, 199 miles, 14,500' climbing. 5:00-7:35. ____ mph. All summer long po'd about how I finished Eastern Sierra, so was motivated for my favorite event. Don,, Jack and I rode most of the way together which helped while we were riding but we bogged down at some rest stops with each person taking turns being the last man out. Also bogged down buy severe cross winds on the northern part of the course. In the last 20-30 miles Don and I got into a nice two man and caught and passed a half dozen riders. I thought with our slow time we wouldn't place highly, but the wind whipping weather conditions had proved to be quicksand for the field. 4th Year Triple Crown Earned
Devil Mountain Double, 59th of @182 starters, 206 miles, 18,600' climbing. Fell apart on this 3 years ago, last time I did it, so didn't know what to expect. After an early season series of crazy training ride, I felt ready albeit my back going out on hard climbs, and this double featured the most climbing. But started with Jack, we got unhooked in the middle, then came together for the last third, while the third person in our crazy group, Ward, came driving along to get some photos of us actually enjoying the ride.
Jack and I each took turns falling apart earlier, now we're going strong towards Sunol in the twilight when our training compadre comes by snapping photos while text messaging. (Ward-o-photo)
Davis Double, (untimed) 203 miles, 8,400' climbing, 5:00-7:23 17.1 average. Much cooler than last year--only touching 100. Rode early morning with Dr. Dave on the 'bent--or more likely he'd whizz down the road when it was flat or downhill, I'd jump ahead on uphill rollers. At the midpoint the big climb up Cobb starts and Dave and I were unhooked. From then on in it was jumping from pace line to pace line on the relatively flat course and I was dead near the end.
Eastern Sierra Double, 54th of 176 starters, only 59% starters finished. 189 miles with hail and snow, 11-12,000 climbing, 14.6 mph. Was looking forward to getting revenge on the Course that kicked me while i was sick last year. But change of plans--with later spring snowstorms hitting to the North where the traditional course runs towards, the organizers rerouted us South to lower elevation--namely Death Valley. But to get into Death Valley necessitated more climbing than usual on this Double and we were greeted at the top of the climb into Death Valley with a hailstorm. No services/ shelter along the way, but the scenery was unique indeed. 5th year in a row earned the Triple Crown.
The Terrible Two, 118th of 221 starters, 200 miles, 16,400' climbing. 5:40-8:35. Still remember to vividly a few years back when it touched 100, the ride became a "Death March," and 1/3rd of the riders didn't finish. After the usual hammering at the beginning I knew I was "off" on the Silverado paceline, and then spent the rest of the day babying myself--waiting for the other shoe to drop. It stayed cool while I took it easy, and didn't really tax myself until the last 20 miles of the ride. Was estatic at the end when I finished 40 minutes ahead of 2006....but fell about a dozen places because the mild weather made it an easier course.
Mt. Tam Double, 33rd of 286 starters, 200 miles, 14,500' climbing. 5:00-6:34, 15.7 mph. This year a tough field as Mt. Tam Double is added as the last leg of the stage race series, and Mt. Tam is taken out because of budget cuts--with crappier climbs put in. After taking it so easy on the Terrible Two, I look for revenge on the course, redemption here--and rode hard for most of the little too cool day. First 80 miles were with ever changing groups/ allies, and the last 120 miles was on big time trial.
Knoxville Double, (untimed), 200 miles, 14,000' climbing, 5:40-8:30, 15.4 average. Who knew this ride would be so much fun if you didn't come in with my traditional September injury. After so many timed events with balls out starts looked forward to just enjoy the ride today, and perfect weather with Jack and I sticking together for the ride made it a great way to end the doubles season
Davis Brevet 300km, (untimed), 190 miles, 8,589' climbing, 16.8 mph. With Professor Jack and Dr. Dave. A quarter of the cost of the Solvang Double with better support*--out and back of the nicest stretch of the Davis Double. Same average speed as two years ago--when event was mush bigger during a B-P-B (sic) qualifying year--and with Jack keeping us moving we came in just when it got dark. Dave on the bent' as I practiced how to keep together on the Davis Double--he's the man doing the Cobb Mountain climb before we turned around. (*Less rest stops but better stocked than Solvang, Lee Mitchell constantly passing in his musical sag wagon, NO traffic controls for 190 miles)
How does a Double differ from a regular century? (Yes-I know 100 miles.)
1) Start at some ungodly hour
2) Its an all day affair
3) At one point you'll wonder if you are on the right course as no one is around.
4) Rest stops are 30 miles apart instead of 20.
5) You need to get out of rest stops in less than 10 minutes instead of camping out.
6) If a timed double folks are going balls out in a mass start--when you wish that everyone would just go away, by mile 120 see #3.
7) If you start feeling like crap-instead of just toughing it out for another 30 miles, you may have to go another 130 miles.
8) Likewise, the BIG CLIMB that used to be insane at mile 75 now is at mile 175.
Apart from finishing 24 doubles I've also done (riders longer than a Double Metric)
The Death Ride aka "The Fun Ride"
-4 passes self supported 2003
-6 passes 2004 (bonus pass year)
-5 passes 2005, 06, 08, 09
Climb to Kaiser aka "The Funs Over Ride"
Happy being chased up the climb as not merging with boat/ trailer traffic from Fresno and the course is marked at this point--mostly climbing for the first 75 miles to over 9,000'.
Auburn Double Metric Century+ (@140 miles)
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