Sunday, February 27, 2011
Morgan Territory (from the backside or frontside?) in the snowstorm that never came-2011
One of the great things in college is having the time to be up on all new music. Life seems to be continually filled with friends bringing over cheap beer, some funny cigarette that you shared, and a few LP's (ask your parents what they are.)Album art on LP's was a great bonus--made up for the skips and pops you don't hear on CD's or MP3's, and were able to take the seeds out of tobacco on double albums. Someone always hear of a new band at their college and wanted to be the first to introduced everyone to music (Zappa, extended cuts of The Doors) that wasn't being played on top 40 radio.
Then you leave college and people are locked into their jobs and the free flow of music information (pre Net') stalls out. I remember when the first Tower Pulse came out and didn't recognize half the bands. And a little snootyness slipped in--at the listening stations the whiny guys from Seattle or teen girls crowing about relationships didn't come close to the great 60's and early 70's music (OK, I easily forget about Seals and Crofts)
One of the great things about bike rides is that I can get a song in my head and it can play over and over at key moments. On long downhills Pattis Smith's "Dancing Barefoot" calms me down, on long uphills The Doors "When the Music's Over" is perfect. Took last year to yelling "hit me" from James Brown's Payback on every steep hairpin. But truthfully, all the songs I have stuck in my head are the same ones I have burned in different combos on 80% of the CD's I listen to while commuting, or the ones on MP3 where I have the studio version plus 6 different live versions and 3 covers. Back to my original lament-apart from Senagal music and Rusted Root, I haven't listened to much new since college.
Until now. Finally sick of my CD's, or hearing the Eagles ad naseum on commercial radio. I was trying to find a good Internet Radio when Musician Stephen (first friend who turned 60) told me about PANDORA--where you create your own radio station. You "seed" the station with songs/ artists you like and it plays old and NEW MUSIC, with the new music being similar to what you seed the station with. IT IS GREAT. 10% of the time I can't figure out why they are playing a song--but when I thumb down it I never have t hear it again. 40% is OK music, much new. And 50% is GREAT--either stuff I already like or lots of new gems. One morning I went into the shower thinking I should seed PANODORA with Neil Young--when I came out it was playing "Heart of Gold" covered by Johnny Cash, which I had never heard. How freaky is that.
In 3 sucessive weeks I've had 3 NEW anthems for the week. Very different. "Echo Beach" was perfect for a long ride and motoring. I love the song--later I found out PANDORA says its very similar to 'Dancing Barefoot," I don't see the similarity but what do I know. I dislike coutry (except for Johnny Cash,) but Lucinda Williams "Are You Down" is something I played over and over all week--she has the strange vocal quaility Patti Smith had at CBGB's when she almost lost her voice but belted out my favorite live version of "Dancing Barefoot." It is to slow for hard cycling--though would have it running through my head when I drifted to the back of the pack. And then "Paper Tigers" is a super hyped song--perfect for attack after attack.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
George Bush-Richard Nixon Day Weekend-2011
Looking forward to the three days off for the Bush-Nixon holiday extended weekend--and after it hit 70 degrees the week before was looking forward to two WARM cycling days followed by a day off to kick around and do something else.

The ghosts of Bush-Nixon had other plans--a severe rainstorm hit the Bay Area all day on Saturday--cold temperatures put snow on all the high elevations like Mt. Diablo. So I reversed plans and took a long walk from Chinatown to the Mission in San Francisco decked out in full raingear w/o an umbrella.

The Saturday ride was supposed to be Altamont (think Rolling Stones), which usually means Patterson Pass--a nice long easy climb albeit two steep sections. Oh yeah--easy when the wind isn't blowing, which you can tell by the wind farms surrounding it isn't often. So though Sunday is usually a short/ easy ride after breakfast with the Club, it only made sense to do Saturday's ride on Sunday.

The next day was overcast and cold, and I was sore from the day before. First Jack, Collin and I convinced ourselves that we'd only go on a flat ride to Sunol. However, once in Sunol the sun broke through so the gentle climb to Calavaras with no traffic controls became promising. But there still is a climb, and still 80 miles all told, and another ride on the "beer truck" with glove liners stayed on all day.

Monday, February 14, 2011
Early Season Great Club Rides-2011

A side of Mt Diablo the Diablo Cyclists rarely see--from the agricultural fields to the Northeast. To save time on some Sundays instead of riding with the Club I take the fixed gear and loop to Los Vaquaros--1/2 the ride is subdivision ugly and 1/2 is in the agriculture belt. Unlike central country where there are cyclists everywhere, this area is really desolate. This is the transition spot from ag land to subdivisions.
Ward and I psyched re our new rides. I have my hybrid all ready to go for the grueling 3 miles to Peets Coffee--now with a chainring guard so I wouldn't catch my pants leg and Shimano V brakes so I wouldn't roll into the drive thru window (oh, that's Buck Bucks.)

Stephen, Jack, June and I did some bonus miles into Castro Valley and then Jack and I finished going up to the ranger station of Mt. Diablo. As noted earlier this ride had much more climbing than last week** but last week's steady crosswind/ headwind made that ride much more brutal. last week hit Mt. Diablo at mile 80, this week at mile 70. Last week put in a huge effort, was strung out at the end, and had gotten in a few minutes before my compatriots--this week rode an ez pace bsing pace with Jack. Shocked when watch said this week's ez pace was 20 seconds faster. Shows what we do at the beginning of a ride really impacts later on.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Trip to Florida-2011
Off to South Florida to visit mom--wonderful going down there now with weather +20 warmer than California (and +60 of Boston, NYC, Chicago); just that little bump in temperature with the humidity makes it so nice and warm--even into the evening.
Mom lives in a strange place, a self imposed ghetto--whole neighborhoods from NYC picked up and moved down to the same place. Click here to see article The daily over/ under is 25 that you'll hear something positive about "Jewish" ("we saw a nice JEWISH doctor," or "he has a Yiddish Kup," (clever head)), or about Israel...its kind of like an Apple computer user who keeps telling you how great their computer is while they have 6% of the market.
Unfortunately every time I visit a big reminder that more and more people are no longer with us. When I go there I remember my dad and grandma finally enjoying a stress free lifestyle. Also remember my little kids in the pool under the watchful eyes of the condo commandos making sure they didn't dive, splash, or play with a beach ball. (How did my kids get so old so fast.)
While calling everyone who lives there "the old people" I feel old also. Lots of NY delis--where a sandwich just has meat piled on Rye Bread and comes with huge sour pickles--not a California deli where 1 slice of meat, 1 slice of cheese, some sprouts, and sliced avocado comes with a tiny nondescript pickle wedge. I actually lost weight while down there eating at the deli almost every night--but I just had a few yogurts during the day. But back to feeling old--when I went to my favorite deli years ago they'd pipe in Yiddish music, Frank Sinatra, Swing Jazz--old people music. This time playing, one night "Light My Fire," the next night "Riders on the Storm." Shit, my music has become oldies.